Owning a home requires you to look at every possible detail of that home. There are so many choices when it comes to roofing and curb appeal, you want to select a home that works for you. Keep in mind that you can change the roof on a home purchase if you decide to have other roofing materials used. One of the more popular roofing materials is slate. Slate roofing materials can provide nice curb appeal and aesthetic value to your home. It can also last a while. How long does a slate roof last? When properly installed, a slate roof can last between 75 and 150 plus years.
Let’s take a look below at what that all means.
How Do I Know If My Slate Roof Needs To Be Replaced?
Just like any other portion of your home, you really need to study when a replacement is needed. In some cases, you will never need to replace certain things in your home. Let’s take a look below at when you might need to replace your slate roof.
- Poor Roofer – If you hire a roofer that has never done slate roofing installation, then you might find yourself looking to replace the roof a lot sooner than imagined. Make sure that you hire a professional roofer with slate installation experience.
- Replacement as they are damaged – If you have a slate roof and the shingles begin to get damaged, you will need to replace them right away. Imagine a large hail storm cracking your slate roofing tiles. That could only mean that you hire a professional licensed roofer to make the replacements.
- Moisture damage – If you have a slate roof and begin to notice water damage in the attic or highest floor of your home, it is likely time for a replacement. The only way you would have moisture damage is if you have slate roof tile damage or a poor installation.
- Check for leaks – It is possible that there are leaks near the flashing or vents if the slate roof is not properly installed. Hopefully, you just need to replace or repair the flashing or vents and do not need a full roof replacement.
- Slate shingle conditions – If you knock on the slate shingles of your roof and hear a dull sound, this might mean the shingles are dried out. If they are dried out, they will need to be replaced. Slate can become brittle over time due to the elements.
How Can I Ensure My Slate Roof Lasts?
Having an understanding of the expectation for how long a slate roof can last, simply means you must care for it. Do not assume that a slate roof will last you 100 years without proper maintenance. Let’s take a look below at some ways to keep your slate roof staying strong.
- Proper installation – Be sure to hire the right professional roofing contractor. If you do not hire someone with slate roofing installation experience, then you risk the possibility of a poor installation. In most cases, you will need an experienced roofing contractor to properly install the slate roofing tiles.
- Extreme weather conditions – Normal wear and tear are expected with any type of roof. However, if you happen to live where tornadoes, large hail, and tree falling occur, then your slate roof could become damaged quickly. Make sure that you inspect the slate roofing tiles after each storm. Also, replace the damaged tiles as the damage occurs.
- Walking on the roof – Remember that slate can be broken fairly easily with the right pressure. Keep painters and you the homeowner from walking on the slate roof as much as possible. If you need a chimney sweep or any other professional to walk on your slate roof, make sure that they have experience in doing so and can stay clear of causing damage to the slate tiles.
How Much Do They Cost?
Installing a slate tile roof could cost you quite a bit of money. The good thing is that you are investing in a roofing material that should last you the entire time that you own the home. The national average cost to install a slate roof ranges from $1,000 to $3,000 per square. This includes labor and materials. Consequently, this is going to cost you between $10 and $30 per square foot. It all depends on the type of slate, hard or soft, that you have chosen.
Other Recommended Maintenance
Now that you know how long a slate roof can last, you might want to read up on how often you should replace your roof. Installing a slate roof might be the last time you would need to replace a roof. Read up on all of the facts so that you can make an informed decision.
Next, make sure that you have your roof inspection checklist available before the professional roofing contractor comes out and meets with you. You want to be sure that you are both on the same page when it comes to costs and needs for a new roof.
Lastly, review all of your roofing options by consulting your local home inspection team about some new roofing trends. Installing a metal roof is also a popular choice. They can add aesthetic value to your home and neighborhood.
When Do I Call A Professional?
When it comes to installing a new roof, you want to make sure that you hire the right licensed roofing contractor. Hiring the wrong contractor could end up costing you years of roofing longevity. It is best to hire your local home inspection team to come out and inspect your roof. They can cover a roofing checklist that lets you know what areas of the roof are badly damaged and need repairs. After all, saving money is key. Also, your home inspection team can refer a reputable professionally licensed roofing contractor that has worked with slate roofing tiles before.
Replacing a roof is never a fun project. There is a lot of stress for a homeowner with regard to the timing of the roof replacement and knowing that they hired the right roofing contractor. Luckily for the homeowner, they get to select the type of roofing materials and how much they would like to invest in their roof. Adding value to their home is always the most important. If you aren’t sure what makes your home stick out in the neighborhood and provides you with a long lifespan of roofing longevity, then call on your local home inspection team. They can help you pick out what makes sense and ensure that you hire the right contractor. Call on Boggs Inspection Services will inspect your roof in Olympia, Lacey, and Tacoma, Washington areas.