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Home Inspection

Home Inspector Services Washington

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Finding home defects like no other inspection company

All Boggs inspectors are not only licensed but are above the normal standards by being ASHI and InterNACH certified home inspectors. Our home inspectors are trained to identify problem areas and provide guidances on what needs immediate attention.

Here’s what is included in our general home inspection service:


We will examine all portions of the exterior to ensure windows are sealed, siding is properly installed, and more.


An in depth examination of the roof for damage, leaks, repairs, and estimated life.


We take a look at the electrical panels and home wiring to ensure it is safe and operational.


Boggs will look for plumbing leaks, check toilets, sinks, faucets, and more.

Air Conditioning

We will ensure the A/C is functioning properly and estimate its expected life.


We will ensure the heating system is in good working conditions and provide recommendations.

Interior Components

From interior walls, doors, bedrooms, outlets, cabinets, to ceilings.


We look at everything we can see and will note evidence of shifting or structural damage.

Home Inspections

Frequently Asked Questions

What Should Sellers Know Before a Home Inspection?

1– Remove your Pets. Time and time again, Boggs Inspection Services’ inspectors are faced with barking dogs, uncooperative cats or worse when they arrive at a home inspection. All sellers should remove their pets from the home prior to an inspection. While a caged lizard or fish tank can stay, having to negotiate a pet during an inspection can be challenging for the inspectors and discouraging for buyers. “This is the buyer’s opportunity to really go through the house with a fine-toothed comb,” says Dwayne. “If they are not able to access a room because a pet is close in it or the barking dog prevents an inspection of the backyard, it could cause issues with the sale.”

During the home inspection, take your pets out of the home – a perfect time for an outing to the park or long walk.

2 – Declutter your home. Many sellers have already removed personal items at the recommendation of their real estate agent prior to listing. However, if your home has an abundance of furniture or nick-knacks still around, this can hinder inspectors when they access outlets, electrical panels and appliances. Clear the clutter from counters and floors to ensure access to essential areas. “When we can’t access something, we can’t inspect it,” says Dwayne. And, a question mark on an inspection report can lead to doubt in a buyer’s mind.

3 – Clean up. This one seems like a no-brainer, but the Boggs team has entered countless homes with dirty dishes in the sink and bathrooms that are less than sparkling. Remember the sale isn’t final until closing and your inspection day should make just as good an impression as the first showing. “Plus,” says Dwayne, “a dirty home can make buyers doubt your attention to maintenance and upkeep on the home.”

Read more about the mistakes to avoid with your home inspection.

What Should Buyers Know Before a Home Inspection?

1 – The home WILL have problems. “Every home has something that we note on the inspection report,” says Dwayne. Even new construction homes can have things that need addressing he says. That’s the purpose of the inspection. So, don’t get tense when the inspector finds issues. It’s to be expected. And, be glad that these items, big or small, are being discovered before the house is officially yours.

2 – Almost anything can be fixed. Whether the list of issue on the inspection is long or short with challenges major or minor, everything can be fixed. It’s just a matter of how much a buyer is willing to take on in their new home and how much the seller can reasonably address in their seven day window post-inspection. “Even the most challenging issues we find – wiring problems, failing roofs, foundation issues – can be fixed. It’s just a matter of how much the seller is willing to fix and what the buyer is willing to assume responsibility for,” says Dwayne.

3 – Water is kind of a big deal. We do live in the Pacific Northwest and it’s wet. If water damage is noted in the inspection, it’s typically something to take seriously says Dwayne. Investigate further to discover if the damage is extensive or surface. Sometimes, a small water spot on the interior can indicate a much larger issue underneath. Be sure to consult a professional if you have any concerns about water damage after an inspection.

4 – Home inspectors cannot predict the future. “We are tasked with assessing the home as it is on the day of the inspection,” says Dwayne. “We can’t tell you how long an appliance will last or if there might be a leak in the roof in the future – we aren’t fortune tellers.” However, with years of expertise under their belts, the team at Boggs Inspection Services can give buyers a lot of background information and share their knowledge about construction, home systems and more. “We are happy to answer questions for buyers and encourage them to follow us throughout the inspection so we can explain things as we go. We just can’t tell them what might happen in six months or a year from now,” explains Dwayne.

5 – Take an inspection report with a grain of salt. “A home is more than just a structure,” says Dwayne. “It’s where you build a life.” With this in mind, he recommends buyers balance the inspection report with the feelings they have in their potential new home. While the Boggs team wants each buyer to be fully informed before signing on the dotted line, they also remind them to balance their head and their heart and consider their emotional connection in the decision making process as well. “We are one piece of the home buying puzzle,” says Dwayne. “And, we want buyers to remember why they made that initial offer when looking at our reports.”

Read more about the mistakes to avoid with your home inspection.

Why Should I Get a Home Inspection?

Even new construction can benefit from a home inspection. From missing insulation to hoses not being hooked back up, Boggs Inspection Services has found mistakes in new construction homes too. It is is important to be aware of the repairs your home may need, and how you can avoid them in the future.

“Home inspections almost always pay for themselves over the long run,” says Dwayne Boggs, “yet a small number of owners and buyers sell themselves short by skipping the inspection altogether.” Yet, the money saved by catching problems early is well worth the upfront cost, he explains. Some owners are feeling the pinch of moving expenses and mortgage fees and they talk themselves out of an inspection. Others think that their home just doesn’t need one.

“We see it most with newer homes, especially brand-new construction,” Dwayne explains. Even the most top-notch builder can miss things. Most home builders make use of one or more subcontractors, and with many different people working to complete the home, mistakes can be made and things can be missed. “From big deficiencies like an attic completely missing all of its insulation, to the little things like hoses not being hooked back up, mistakes can be made, and a home inspection will help find those mistakes.

How Do I Find the Best Home Inspector?

When comparing home inspectors, find out what kind of training the inspector has completed and ask about their certifications. Certifications, such as one with the American Society of Home Inspectors, allow opportunities for continuing education so that inspectors may stay up to date on changes to the industry. Take the time to look up reviews from past customers on sites like the Better Business Bureau and Yelp. Always ensure that your home inspector is licensed and bonded by checking the Washington State Labor and Industries website.  And ask to take a look at a sample report, and find out how the inspector will deliver the report to you and how long it will take you to receive the report, as well.

Should I Attend the Inspection?

We always recommend that you be present for the inspection,” says Dwayne. If you cannot be there, a trusted friend or family member to ask questions on your behalf can be a good substitute. “There are some things that a picture or an explanation on a report cannot adequately describe,” he says, “and being there to see and experience the inspection in real-time can help with the understanding of the report. Nothing can replace firsthand experience.”

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is not being present for a home inspection–either in-person or virtually. Follow along with your inspector, everywhere it is safe to do so because nothing is a substitute for experience.

“I encourage customers to do the full walkthrough with an inspector when they can,” he continues. “All of our inspectors are comfortable with answering questions throughout the inspection while following our protocols.”

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, and heightened concerns about health and safety, buyers might not think they need to be there for the inspection, but if possible, see if you can connect virtually with the inspector. “You will find that questions will come up during the inspections that might never have occurred to you if you had only read the report after the fact,” says Dwayne. “We have a lot of experience connecting virtually with our customers,” he explains. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Boggs inspectors worked with buyers from out of state, so connecting virtually is nothing new for them.

What Type of Home Inspections Do You Offer?

11th-Month Warranty Inspections

Even new construction homes can develop problems, which is why Boggs Inspection Services offers 11th Month Warranty Inspections, so you can get those issues addressed before your warranty expires.

If you live in a brand-new home, you might think there is no use for a home inspection. Well, think again. If your home came with a one-year warranty, a common feature with a new home these days, then you might want to take advantage of Boggs Inspection Services 11-month warranty inspection. The 11-month warranty inspection looks for any damage that may have occurred to your home since you moved in to it. A Boggs inspector can also identify any issues that the builder missed when completing your home that you might not be aware of. “Even new homes can have costly issues,” says Dwayne, “and we try to uncover them early, so that small issues don’t become big problems with even bigger price tags.” Completing the inspection in the eleventh month of ownership gives you time to make a claim on the warranty and get those issues resolved, saving you money and keeping your new home in good repair.

Log Home Inspections

Log homes are popular for their rustic charm, but they can come with their own unique concerns. Boggs inspectors are certified with InterNACHI, and they receive specialized training for log homes.

A log home might seem just like any other home, albeit with a rustic sort of style. But beyond aesthetics, log homes have some major differences unique to their building characteristics. Your home inspector needs to have the skills and experience to identify any issues that can occur in this specially built home. Boggs inspectors are all certified with the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI). Along with their InterNACHI certification comes special training in log home inspection, which makes them particularly qualified to evaluate log homes.

Pre-listing Inspection

If you are planning to sell your home, or already in the process, you may be expecting buyers to get their own home inspection. But what will that inspector find? You might think you already know, after all, you’ve lived in your home for years. “Many homeowners are surprised about what the buyer’s inspector uncovers,” says Dwayne, “and having a pre-listing inspection done even before you list your home can help you identify things you need to fix, or at least be prepared when it comes time to negotiate the price with the buyers.”

Walk & Talk

A common strategy for home buyers competing to purchase a home is to waive traditional contingencies, such as a home inspection. However, this means accepting liability without knowing what you’re buying. Our team offers an alternative solution called a “Pre-Offer Review, Evaluation, and Consultation” or “Walk & Talk”.

This consultation is not as extensive as a complete home inspection and usually lasts about 90 minutes. During this time, our licensed inspectors will review and evaluate the foundation/crawlspace, roof, attic, and exterior and perform a limited evaluation of the electrical panel.

Condo/Townhouse Inspections

Condominiums and Townhouses are a lot like traditional stand-alone homes, but they do have a few differences. Those differences can be huge if your inspector doesn’t know to look for them. “All of our inspectors are trained and prepared for the differences that will come along with inspecting a condo or townhouse, or any specialty inspection, for that matter,” says Dwayne. “We know what we are looking for and that gives our customers peace of mind when they use our services.”

Other Specialty Services

From pre-listing inspections to inspections of condos and townhouses, Boggs inspectors are trained to cover every detail, top to bottom.

The Boggs Team also offers other specialty services to meet the specific needs of their customers. Sewer scopes with real-time video transmission to seek out any potential or existing problems in the main sewer line, indoor air quality inspections to look for mold and identify mold levels of concern, and water quality inspections to ensure the safety of well water are some of the other specialty inspection services available from Boggs. We also offer post-purchase inspections, annual maintenance inspections, re-inspections, 203K inspections, and infrared thermography inspections.

The team at Boggs Inspection Services knows that every home is unique, which means that every inspection is unique, too. And they want you to know that even the truly unique inspections, from log homes to new homes, to condos and townhomes are all something they can handle.

What is the Difference Between a Home Inspection and an Appraisal?

  1. Purpose

The purpose of an appraisal is to estimate the actual value of the home. Lenders need to know that the property is not overvalued because it will serve as collateral for the loan. If the borrower defaults, it will be easy to recover the money through the sale of the house.

The purpose of a home inspection is to determine the home’s true condition so that buyers can assess the risk of buying the house.

  1. Originator

home appraisal is a requirement by lenders as a part of the mortgage process. The lender orders it on behalf of the buyer, but the appraiser works for the lender.

A home inspection is a voluntary process at the buyer’s request, and the home inspector works for the buyer. Sometimes the inspector could work for the seller when the seller orders a home inspection before listing the property for sale.

  1. Duration

The home appraisal takes a short time, and the appraiser walks through the house while making measurements and assessments. An inspection is a tedious process that can last as long as three hours.

  1. Impact on loan

The outcome of an appraisal determines the amount of money that the borrower can get. A home inspection doesn’t have any impact on the loan amount.

  1. Involvement

During the appraisal process, appraisers do not permit buyers to stay around. But during a home inspection, buyers need to be around. It is an opportunity to ask questions and interact with the inspectors about any issue on the property.

  1. Scope

An appraisal makes conclusions using happenings in the neighborhood, whereas an inspection doesn’t extend beyond the property’s boundaries.

What’s Included In Our General Home Inspection?

  1. Exterior

We will examine all portions of the exterior to ensure windows are sealed, siding is properly installed, and more.

  1. Roof

An in depth examination of the roof for damage, leaks, repairs, and estimated life.

  1. Electrical

We take a look at the electrical panels and home wiring to ensure it is safe and operational

  1. Plumbing

Boggs will look for plumbing leaks, check toilets, sinks, faucets, and more.

  1. Air Conditioning

We will ensure the A/C is functioning properly and estimate its expected life.

  1. Heating

We will ensure the heating system is in good working conditions and provide recommendations.

  1. Interior Components

From interior walls, doors, bedrooms, outlets, cabinets, to ceilings.

  1. Foundation/Structure

We look at everything we can see and will note evidence of shifting or structural damage.

Do New Construction Homes need to be inspected?

Yes, even brand new homes have issues.

What is Infrared Thermography?

Infrared thermography is a tool that captures wavelengths just a little longer than those on the visual spectrum, which are invisible to the human eye. During an infrared thermography inspection the inspector uses thermal imaging cameras. This infrared scan is a non-invasive, non-destruction inspection that helps detect and measure temperature differences in the home. The technology can be used in the form of a camera to create visual representations of surface heat. No, these cameras are not able to look through the walls of a home. They simply display the different temperatures that the home has stored in the walls, floors, ceilings, or any other inspected target. Surfaces give off different levels of radiation and infrared thermography displays those distinctions. Then, a trained technician uses that picture to assess conditions in the structure, from insulation variations, heating and cooling efficiency, water leaks, electrical issues and more

Making Invisible Problems Visible

Variations in temperature are not always perceptible. By the time electrical issues become visible to the human eye, the damage may already be extensive. Infrared thermography can be used to uncover overheating in electrical panels and to look at wires and breakers for a more thorough picture of components that may be faulty.

Infrared thermography also has a place in commercial structure inspections.  It is especially handy for use in flat roofs, where it can detect minor leaks and roof membrane issues before they become extensive, and expensive, problems.

Infrared thermography can be used to inspect insulation, either in new buildings to ensure work was done properly, or in older buildings where there can be concerns about insulation settling. Temperature variations between wall sections or differences from the ceiling down to the floor are all clues a trained eye can use to assess a problem.

Infrared technology can find temperature differentials


Electrical equipment should be at a safe temperature.


Scanning underneath sinks and around plumbing systems for leaks.

Air Conditioning

Your HVAC could be leaking or not cooling property.


This ensures your heater is reaching the proper temperature.

Roof Leaks

Scanning ceilings and inside the attics can find areas of water intrusion.


Ductwork can leak causing high energy bills.

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